Jul 30, 2020
Today's episode is all about creating and deploying your own pentest dropbox! In part 1 I talked about some "gotchas" but this time around I'm ready to dump a whole slug of specific and updated tips on ya! Below are the tips covered in this episode that are better read than said:
Jul 22, 2020
Hello! We're back with our pal Joe "The Machine" Skeen (a.k.a. Gh0sthax) who has prepared some awesome and actionable news stories for us to digest. Today's stories include:
Jul 15, 2020
This is an especially fun tale of pentest pwnage because it involves D.D.A.D. (Double Domain Admin Dance) and varying T.T.D.A. (Time to Domain Admin). The key takeaways I want to share from these tests are as follows:
Responder.py -i eth0 -rPv
is AWESOME. It can
make the network rain hashes like manna from...Jul 10, 2020
SafePass.me is the only enterprise solution to protect organizations against credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. Visit [safepass.me](https://safepass.me/?7ms422 for more details, and tell them 7 Minute Security sent you to get a 10% discount!
Today's episode continues the work we started in
Jul 1, 2020
Today my pal Gh0sthax and I pick apart the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report and help you turn it into actionable items so you can better defend your network!
I'm especially excited because today's episode marks two important 7MS firsts: