Jun 26, 2020
Today's episode is a fun tale of pentest pwnage! Interestingly, to me this pentest had a ton of time-sponging issues on the front end, but the TTDA (Time to Domain Admin) was maybe my fastest ever.
I had to actually roll a fresh Kali VM to upload to the customer site, and I learned (the hard way) to make that VM disk as...
Jun 17, 2020
Today we're talking about eating the security dog food! What do I mean by that? Well, a lot of security companies I worked for in the past preached to clients about the importance of having a good security program, but didn't have one of their own! I'm trying to break that pattern now that I'm in a position to lead...
Jun 11, 2020
SafePass.me is the only enterprise solution to protect organizations against credential stuffing and password spraying attacks. Visit safepass.me for more details, and tell them 7 Minute Security sent you to get a 10% discount!
Today's episode is all about mental health! I talk about some of my challenges with...
Jun 4, 2020
Today's episode is all about getting the most value out of your vulnerability scans, including:
Why, IMHO you should only do credentialed scans
Policy tweaks that will keep servers from tipping over and printers from printing novels of gibberish ;-)
How to make your scan report more actionable and less...