Mar 31, 2015
We’ve arrived at the exciting two-part finale to my bloody battle with the OSCP! 7MS #49: OSCP – the final chapter – part 1! (audio)
Mar 21, 2015
Is it a good idea to give young kids a computer to play with? Maybe. Maybe not. Tune in to today’s episode and weigh in! 7MS #48: So I Gave My Eight Year Old a Computer (audio)
Mar 17, 2015
Hey, you should log the stuff going on in your network. This episode talks about that (again). And I reference some AD-related settings that may not be enabled in your environment…stuff you might want to turn on. Check out that information via this PDF here. 7MS #47: Logging and Alerting Reloaded (audio)
Mar 14, 2015
So you want to be a hacker? Cool. In this episode I toss myself under the bus and share why I used to have a really dumb perspective on what that meant, and how my view of hackers – and hacking – has changed (and hopefully matured). 7MS #46: So You Want to be a…
Mar 10, 2015
Warning, this is an off topic episode! I used to pirate software. There. I admitted it. But it’s funny how a letter from the Comcast legal dept. will change your mind and let you see piracy in a whole new light! 7MS #45: OFFTOPIC – Why I Stopped Pirating Software (audio)