Jan 25, 2018
Today I'm excited to be joined by my friend and advisor Kevin Keane (Twitter / LinkedIn) who is a lawyer, blogger, keynote speaker, business advisor, and just all around great guy. Kevin and I sit down to talk about:
Jan 18, 2018
GDPR, in a nutshell, is a set of legal regulations focused on the privacy of personal information for EU citizens - no matter where they are. Entities that store and/or process personal information about EU citizens must clearly explain to the citizens what data is being stored and processed, and any...
Jan 4, 2018
Back in episode 280 I talked about how I started working with PacktPub to start authoring a video course on vulnerability scanning using Kali.
Since that episode I've found that recording and editing high quality video clips is taking waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy longer than I'd like, but it's worth it to create good stuff!...