Apr 28, 2014
In this episode I talk about an account takeover article that freaked me out, and why it changed a few things about how I handle my important online accounts. Download: 7MS #12: Why My Domains Have Gan to Gandi (audio) Show notes: This episode is all about this article (https://medium.com/cyber-security/24eb09e026dd)...
Apr 12, 2014
In this episode I totally throw my subscribers for a loop and do a VIDEO podcast about overtraining your Touch ID on your iPhone. Download: 7MS #11: Overtraining your iPhone Touch ID (video) Show notes: I first read about this from Steve Gibson of GRC at https://www.grc.com/sn/sn-440.htm. But I was listening to the...
Apr 5, 2014
In this episode I talk more about some infosec-y things I’m
doing on the home front to nurture a security culture (if you will)
with my wife and kids. Download: Episode 10: Information Security
for the Whole Family – part 2 (audio) Show notes: If you have kids
and are considering a tablet for them,…