Jan 4, 2018
Back in episode 280 I talked about how I started working with PacktPub to start authoring a video course on vulnerability scanning using Kali.
Since that episode I've found that recording and editing high quality video clips is taking waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy longer than I'd like, but it's worth it to create good stuff! PacktPub authored a tool called Panopto to make videos, but I found it a little frustrating to work with, so I'm going with the following janky - but functional - recording setup:
Record raw video using iShowU
Pull that video into iMovie and cleanup all the mistakes
Record audio in Quicktime
Pull audio clips into iMovie and edit those to match up with what's happening in the video
Export video as 1080p
Additionally, here are a few little tweaks that help the content creation match up with PacktPub's requirements:
Resolution should be 1920x1080 (full HD) - I just bought a secondary monitor for this. Specifically, an HP 22cwa.
I set my .bashrc file to use all white for the terminal prompt. See this article which helped me out.
In Terminal I created a PacktPub profile that has font as Monospace Regular 20pt.